CPA College of global studies


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Through providing add on course to all students our main aim was to aware students about career oriented sessions which helps students to go further towards their goal. Add-on courses help students acquire skills and knowledge that are not covered in their core curriculum. These additional skills and knowledge can make graduates more attractive to employers who are looking for candidates with specialized expertise. These courses are often designed in collaboration with industry experts, which ensures that students receive industry-relevant training. This type of training can give graduates an edge in the job market, as employers often look for candidates who have practical experience in their field of study. The course develop important employability skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. These skills are highly valued by employers, and graduates who have these skills are more likely to be successful in their careers which provides students with opportunities to interact with industry experts and professionals, which can help them build their professional network. This can be beneficial when graduates are looking for employment, as they can tap into their network to identify job openings and obtain referrals.

Graduates who have completed add-on courses may be able to command higher salaries than their peers who have not completed additional training. This is because employers recognize the value of specialized expertise and are willing to pay a premium for it.

We provided add on course sessions to the students at college through allotting additional hours after class hours. Teachers were allotted for the course; students were given with syllabus of the programme and according to this teacher used to take classes. In the end an assessment was done and marks were provided according to that, certificates were provided for those who completed the programme. Lot of students improved their skills through such programme which acted as an orientation programme for the students.


    • As the name implies this programme aims at providing add on course for all students, hence equipping students with more inter disciplinary career-oriented approach.
    • Organizing suitable additional diploma and certificate programmes along with their degree subjects
    • Inviting Companies for direct recruitment programmes.
    • Equipping the students with additional skills along with a degree and make them ready with professional skills for jobs.




Teachers’ manto is a professional development program,a teacher collaboration initiative,in this  practice teachers are supposed to do presentations every week as part of FDP programme. Teachers are asked to prepare and present papers on various topics related to education, such as innovative teaching strategies, classroom management techniques, assessment methods. Apart from this teacher are free to take any topics in which they are interested in or research findings in their subject area. These presentations could take place every week. These are dedicated professional development sessions. The goal is to facilitate knowledge sharing, promote ongoing learning and professional growth, and foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement among educators. By regularly presenting and discussing papers, teachers can stay informed about current trends and research in education, exchange ideas and best practices, and support each other in their teaching endeavors. Monthly four presentations were done which dealt about the academic and professional growth of teachers, improving teaching abilities was the major am of the programme.

These are designed to enhance the teaching, research, and administrative skills of faculty members in academic institutions. various topics such as effective teaching methods, curriculum development, research methodologies, leadership skills, and advancements in specific fields of study


  • To share recent research, best practices, or educational resources with colleagues.
  • To encourage teachers to stay updated with current trends, methodologies, and developments in their field.
  • To improve presentation and communication skills among teachers.
  • To receive constructive feedback from peers on their work, which can help teachers improve their teaching methods and materials.
  • To foster critical analysis and discussion among teachers about various educational topics.


Ms.Mary Joby Chungath

PARENTIA (Parents Club)

Parents club is an organization made up of parents and teachers whose common goal is to foster community and college spirit. Parents club exists to improve outcomes for families in disadvantaged areas. We aim to break cycles of deprivation, close gaps in educational achievement and enhance student development. We also focus on improving the confidence, connectedness and emotional well-being of parents. We launched our parents club program in 2022,and since then we have delivered more than ten sessions, working with over 500 families to make communities healthier and happier places for developing children. It is essential that the Parents’ Club works with the college.  The best way of doing this is establishing a liaison between the club and the college.  The club consists of a committee with Principal as the president. The Secretary will be the secretary of the PTA, and a coordinator is appointed to coordinate the activities of the club. There will be a treasurer and an executive body consisting of one parent from each class and HODs of every Department.

The activities of the Parents Club is decided by the club itself. However, the activities should benefit the families and the students. The following are the main activities decided by the club for the coming five years


  • The club seeks to foster a sense of belonging and community among parents, creating opportunities for them to connect, share experiences, and build relationships with one another.
  • The club aims to support student success and well-being by providing resources, information, and assistance to parents to help them navigate their child’s educational journey effectively.
  • Acting as a bridge between parents and the college administration, the club facilitates communication channels, ensuring that parents are informed about college policies, events, and resources.
  • The club organizes events, workshops, and informational sessions tailored to the needs and interests of parents, covering topics such as academic support, financial aid, career guidance, and more.




Providing to the needed is a responsibility of everyone. This way college took ana initiative to lend hands for a village which needed help, adopting a village is what Gramasree is about. The village which associated with college on this programme was ward number 9 of Valavannoor Panjayath. College thought especially of conducting medical camps, providing tuitions and to help in farming. The responsibility of supporting and uplifting a specific village or rural area. This involvement can encompass various aspects such as infrastructure development, healthcare, education, economic empowerment, and environmental conservation. The aim is to create sustainable positive change and improve the overall quality of life for the residents of the adopted village. This often involves long-term commitment, collaboration with local stakeholders, and a holistic approach to address the diverse needs of the community. This initiative  stems from a desire to give back to society, promote community engagement, and provide students with practical learning opportunities. The college undertook various projects and activities aimed at improving the socio-economic conditions of the adopted village, such as providing educational resources, healthcare services, infrastructure development, vocational training, and environmental conservation efforts. Through this partnership, the college seeks to foster sustainable development, empower the local community, and instill a sense of social responsibility among its students and faculty members.  If a village to grow basic needs should be fulfilled hence providing such needs was a solace for the students and the community. A school was painted by students apart from this renovation of classrooms, installation of new furniture, repair of facilities such as toilets and water supply systems. Students helped in farming too, the medical camp conducted at the village helped the community a lot since diagnosing health issues is a costs good amount these days.


  • Foster a sense of unity and belonging among villagers through participation in various activities and events.
  • Providing medical, academic and agricultural help to the villagers.
  • Enhance educational opportunities for children and adults in the village by providing resources, infrastructure improvements, and support for schools and educational programs.
  • Engage villagers in civic education, awareness-raising campaigns, and community mobilization efforts to promote active citizenship, democratic participation, and social cohesion within the village.
  • Facilitate community organizing, capacity building, leadership development, and participatory decision-making processes to empower villagers to take ownership of their development priorities and initiatives.
  • Create economic opportunities and improve livelihoods for villagers through skills development, job training, microfinance, agricultural support, and small business initiatives.


Mr. Mohammed Jabir.CV