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This is Parent Teachers Association which is aimed at acting as a link between the Management, Parents and Teachers. The committee is consisted of seven members from the part of teachers, seven from the parents and secretary of the Management and Principal. Principal will be the President of the PTA and a parent is selected as Vice President. The secretary ship also goes to a staff member as per the norms. This body discusses every issue connected with the college and give suggestions. A member ship of Rs.1000/- is to be given as member ship fee by each parent during the admission of their wards. The fund is utilized for helping the poor students, for purchasing books, for giving support to the staff and for other purposes decided by the committee. The PTA executive normally convenes thrice in a year. Department wise PTA and Class wise PTA are held thrice in a year. In the beginning of the year a combined grouping of the parents and students of each department is organized. There will be parenting classes in the general meeting, and class PTA will be held in the presence of parent, teacher, tutor and the student. The parents can come with their opinions and suggestions in the class wise meeting and they will be discussed in the executive meeting for solution. The PTA system of a college build to encourage and promote good relationship among the members of the teaching faculties, students and parents/guardians of the students. All the teachers of the college and guardians of the students of the institution are members of the PTA. It is necessary to create in its members enthusiastic interest for the smooth working and the progress of the institution and for maintaining good discipline and high academic standards. The main objective of the PTA is to create better understanding between parents and teachers and harmonious relationship between the institution and community. .


(Assistant Professor, Dept of English)